Wednesday, October 11, 2017

My letter to GDQ

For those of you who don’t know. Games Done Quick is a biannual speedrunning event. I have had issues with some of their desciaions for a while, abs I think the event is getting too big (which is great, cuz it’s all for charity!) but I had some suggestions. Here goes:

ar Games Done Quick Staff: 

I am a fifteen-year-old girl from western PA, who suffers from anxiety and OCD. I enjoy watching speedruns (primarily Mario games) on Twitch and YouTube, and I always look forward to the next GDQ event. I was really looking forward to seeing some of my favorite games and runners during this event, and I am glad to see that Super Mario Galaxy is being run this year. 

While I know that this topic divided fans, I am very confused about the removal of Super Metroid from the schedule. I think that it is a very cool GDQ tradition, and while I’m not too upset, I am wondering why you all just literally took the biggest money draw away from GDQ. I think it’s very important to raise money for cancer prevention, as my mother recently passed away from cancer. I was planning to donate during one of darbian’s runs, and I still plan to donate during Princess Rescue, but I was very surprised that a Mario 1 or Lost Levels race between darbian, Kosmicd12, and andrewg didn’t get in, and yet Princess Rescue got in. This is more of a personal preference, but many of the games I had never even heard of this year. Unfortunately, I don’t think that you will be able to get a lot of donations for obscure games. I support your choices and the event, but I have a few suggestions to help get more runners into GDQ events. I have been thinking that GDQ has gotten “too big” in the sense that there are way too many submissions and the chances of getting in are simply miniscule for runners who aren’t completely top-notch. For instance, I watch the lovely Skybilz, and she often takes to Twitter to express her disappointment in not being selected. I know that I am not supposed to request specific runners, but this is just an example. Also, andrewg made a point that some games a la (Super Mario Bros) should always get in. Right now, that quintessential speedgame is very alive and well, and I expect there to be a new record shortly. Andrewg said he wanted to be on the game selection committee (on twitter) and why not? He is like one of the most famous runners ever. Many speedrunners have anxiety or depression, and they often feel rejected, unwanted, or like a failure if they don’t get in. I understand that it is impossible to accommodate all runners, given the sheer number of submissions, and I commend GDQ for becoming such a large charity event! I have some suggestions for getting more runners into GDQ. I am not trying to be rude or criticizing, I just am trying to put forward ideas. 

1) Have four events a year instated of two: This solution seems to me like it would be the most simple and straightforward way to go. Possibly having a GDQ at Thanksgiving or spring break could get many more runners into the marathons. If GDQ is getting that many submissions (which is great!) I think that it is time to expand and simply have twice as many GDQ events, allowing twice as much money for charity and twice as many runners to get in. (YAY for everyone!) (Going with this proposal maybe have runners not participate in back to back GDQs, i. e. if someone goes in the Summer they aren’t allowed to submit for the fall GDQ (FGDQ?) Just something that might give other runners a chance, but certainly not necessary for there to be more than two major events a year.) Also, these events would be in different locations than AGDQ or SGDQ. One event should definitely be on the West Coast and maybe the other one could be in Texas or something like that. This is just a proposal, but I think it would be GREAT! 
2) Look I understand GDQs are a lot of work, if the above solution couldn’t be met, how about letting more games into GDQ and playing multiple games simultaneously for multiple Twitch Accounts? These could either be held in different rooms of the same hotel, or in separate hotels. For instance, if one person was playing Zelda in one room, and someone else was playing Doom in another room at the exact same time (and it was being streamed to GDQ Twitch accounts 1 and 2), you could ideally fit twice as many runs without having to hold more than two events. Or you all could go for an outright expansion and do BOTH things described above. :)
3) Taking the simultaneous streaming to the next level I have noticed that swearing on stream is banned, but mature games are allowed. I am not allowed to play or watch mature content, and I think that many streamers who advertise “family friendly” behavior at GDQ, often have very crude streams. I know plenty of streamers (darbian, Lackattack24, Kosmicd12, Andrewg, Skybilz, Yellowkillerbee, Kunfufruitcup), and so many more, who are very family friendly. Perhaps separating GDQ events into a simultaneous “mature” (swearing, M rated games) and “family friendly” (No swearing or crude jokes, E though T rated games) and streaming these events from separate Twitch channels could be useful in the future. Simultaneous streaming already insures more spots for runners, and this tactic should also prevent young kids from seeing an M rated game by accidentIt’s a win-win. 
4) Don’t let workers for GDQ (Mike Uyama got 2 runs in!) run at GDQ. It’s taking spots from runners who don’t work there. Also, this doesn’t have to include commentators and donation readers, just people in charge and people who select games (picking your own games, ect. {I know Uyama doesn’t pick games, just saying}). Sorry I was curt with this one. 
5) Being more organized. (Yes, I’m OCD :^<.) I don’t mean that you aren’t organized, and I get that elimination is a tough job, but here are some ideas. 
• Dedicate a set number of hours, or a day to a specific genre or category (i.e. Platformers one day, RPGs next day, obscure games next day, then Miscellaneous…adventure games, ect. 
• Have runners submit to each separate genre, and only one run per genre for each runner. So Lackattack24 could submit Lost Levels to platformers, and only Lost Levels. He could then submit Zelda to adventure games and Mario RPG to RPGS, ect. 
• ALTERNATIVLEY, if you stick with two GDQs, put a submission cap per genre, and then narrow down per genre, or only except ONE RUN per runner. Yes. It isn’t fair that some people get two or more runs in and some people don’t get any runs in. They could submit multiple runs and you could pick the best run. Back to back runs of different categories of the same game and bonus runs don’t apply. 
Anyway, this is all just a suggestion. Please don’t be angry. Thank you. 

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