Saturday, April 22, 2017

Face it: Nobody Shot First and No One Should Even Care

You are at the ice cream shoppe. You are the first one there and there's a long line behind you. You get served first, the next person gets served second, and so on. Ok. That's cool. And it makes perfect sense.

Okay. So on a Sunday morning yo are at the same ice cream shoppe and no one else is there. So you get served first and leave. Uh... did you catch that?

Dictionary definition of first:  coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.


So you can't shoot first of the other person doesn't shoot at all. lol the internet is so dum. 

Ok, in all seriousness in the 1977 version of Star Wars Han was the only one to shoot. All of those people who say Han shot first are mistaken. 

In the special edition Greedo shoots first, and in subsequent releases they shoot at the same time. So what? Why should anyone care? 

It doesn't have anything to do with Han's character. Greedo says, "I've been looking forward to this for a long time. And he has a gun. And is about to shoot Han in the old version. So IT'S SELF DEFENSE EITHER WAY. 

Cool beans. I call for the Star Wars fanbase to relax. What an artist what George Lucas sants, George Lucas gets. You do you. Everyone has their own creation and they can do art their way and tinker to no end. Just don't be mean about it. 

A Padawan. 

1 comment:

  1. Yo, sorry bout the weird font change, I as on mobile and copied the definition of "first" over from the web. The font stayed the same after that.
